Tuesday, November 23, 2010


The holidays are here! How the heck did that happen?? My kids were just out for the summer, and NOW i'm wrapping Christmas gifts? And, along with gifts, you know what else is coming...the yummy food! Nom nom nom.... I've never been one to say 'no' to a cheesecake!

This is my plan: The days before I KNOW i'm going to indulge--let's be real, people, you KNOW you're going to indulge--push my workouts hard. HARDER than usual. Eat super clean. Drink all my water. Then, you know what? When I do splurge a little--it's not going to feel so bad. The extra cals won't affect me, either. That next day--hop right back into your workouts! It can be done! :)

The hardest part for me is not actually the DAY of the event, but the entire season! (How's that for pinpointing?) There are always sweets around during the holiday season. Just keep telling yourself NOT to eat them now--wait for that ONE day. Then eat whatever the heck you want. Hey, it may not be GREAT, but like i said, i'm being REAL.

If you don't ENJOY yourself, then your healthy lifestyle isn't going to stick. You're not going to be successful if you're constantly feeling like you can't enjoy "naughty" food once in a while!

Have fun! AMP up those workouts!

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