Thursday, January 20, 2011

More Shakeology goodness...

(Borrowed from my lovely social media friend, Michelle Meyers.)

It’s no secret that I love Shake­ol­ogy. I’m usu­ally very resis­tant to meal replace­ments because until Shake­ol­ogy, I’ve never found one I like. And by like…I mean CRAVE! While I may be extremely health con­scious, there are way too many healthy foods that are enjoy­able to waste my calo­ries eat­ing foods that taste like chalk just because they’re good for me.

But Shake­ol­ogy doesn’t taste like chalk. It doesn’t have a bit­ter after­taste. It doesn’t sit like a rock in my stom­ach. And I’m not hun­gry two hours after I drink it. It’s in a meal replace­ment cat­e­gory all on it’s own. (To learn more about the many ben­e­fits of Shake­ol­ogy, click here.)

First of all, you’ve got to decide what kind of tex­ture you like. I want it to be more like a shake than a drink and have mod­er­ate thick­ness, mean­ing I like to be able to sip it slowly through a straw, but I don’t want to eat it with a spoon, so I always rec­om­mend using the blender instead of a shaker cup. Exper­i­ment with the amounts of liq­uid and ice in each recipe until you find the con­sis­tency that works for you. I gen­er­ally take a 32 oz. cup, fill it up 3/4 of the way with ice and use 2 cups of liq­uid (almond milk, skim milk, water).

As far as taste goes, I com­pare Shake­ol­ogy to a piece of grilled chicken. By itself, grilled chicken is good. But if you add a lit­tle mari­nade or some sea­son­ing, it turns into a del­i­cacy. Shake­ol­ogy works the very same way — add a lit­tle extra some­thing to it, and you can take some­thing that’s good and turn it into some­thing amazing.

Here are a few of my favorite “mar­i­nated” Shake­ol­ogy recipes:


Go Nuts! (245 calories)


1 scoop Choco­late Shake­ol­ogy

1 TBSP dry sugar free fat free pis­ta­chio pud­ding mix

1 TBSP plain PB2

1 cup Almond Milk

1 cup water

Choco­late Oat­meal Cookie (350 calories)


1 scoop Choco­late Shake­ol­ogy

1 pack­age lower sugar maple & brown sugar oat­meal

1/2 cup almond milk

1.5 cups water

But­terfin­ger Bliz­zard (300 calories)


1 scoop Choco­late Shake­ol­ogy

1 TBSP dry sugar free fat free but­ter­scotch pud­ding mix

1 TBSP nat­ural peanut but­ter

1/2 cup skim milk

1.5 cups water

Christ­mas Cookie (190 calories)


1 scoop Choco­late Shake­ol­ogy

1 cup unsweet­ened vanilla almond milk

1 cup water

1 tsp cin­na­mon

1 tsp vanilla extract

Choco­late Cov­ered Straw­ber­ries (240 calories)


1 scoop Choco­late Shake­ol­ogy

1 cup unsweet­ened vanilla almond milk

1 cup water

3/4 cup sliced straw­ber­ries (fresh or frozen)


Tarty Twist (180 calories)


1 scoop Green­berry Shake­ol­ogy

2 cups unsweet­ened green tea

1 lemon, squeezed

1 lime, squeezed

Orange Mango Splash (285 calories)


1 scoop Green­berry Shake­ol­ogy

1 cup Sim­ply Orange with Mango


1 cup water

Trail Mix (210 calories)


1 scoop Green­berry Shake­ol­ogy

1 cup unsweet­ened cran-apple juice

1 TBSP dry sugar free fat free pis­ta­chio pud­ding mix

1 cup water

Honey Almond Par­adise (340 calories)


1 scoop Green­berry Shake­ol­ogy

1 cup unsweet­ened vanilla almond milk

1 tsp honey

1 TBSP nat­ural peanut butter

Straw­berry Peach Sun­dae (300 calories)


1 scoop Green­berry Shake­ol­ogy

1/2 cup straw­ber­ries

1/2 cup peaches

1 cup skim milk

1 cup water

To order your bag of Shake­ol­ogy, visit If you’re inter­ested in how you could save up to 25% off on your pur­chase, con­tact me for more information.

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