Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Post Ultimate Reset

So, it's around 2 weeks post Ultimate Reset, and i've noticed a few things:
1) I've put on 3lbs
2) I crave green vegetables
3) I no longer crave crap food on the weekends, NOR alcoholic beverages

In fact, in relation to number 3: My husband and i usually drink on the weekends. We'll buy a bottle of wine/sangria, he'll drink beer while hanging in the pool, etc. This past weekend, I had a few "Mike's Hard Lemonades." They made me feel gross. Like really gross. Not 'drunk' gross, but just bloated and nasty. Ew. I'm a big red wine drinker. The last few times i've had red wine, I feel gross. I get all stuffed up, and feel sluggish the next day. White wine, however, doesn't have that affect on me. What's weird, is i've NEVER been a white wine drinker. Okay...end alcohol rant.

In relation to number 1: I know it's because i've a) had alcohol on the weekends b) not been drinking a gallon and a half of water every day and c) not working out as hard as i usually do. That's all about to change. It's amazing how, when you reset your system, you actually NOTICE, once you start back into your old habits, which of those habits are holding you back from the results you want. BINGO.

In relation to matter 2: Kale. Really. Kale. Never saw that one coming. I want to eat it every day. Weird, I know.

Even my morning coffee doesn't seem to give me the same satisfaction that it used to. Although I complained about the structure of the Reset while I was doing it, it actually gave me a great sense of satisfaction. I'm not saying i'm going to go BACK to that kind of massive structure, but i definitely, after these past 2 weeks, see how much that structure helped me to be my best.

SO...today: adding more vegetables, skipping the morning coffee (already had one this morning, so that'll have to wait until tomorrow), and going back to my water-drinking ways.

Also, i've been doing the Muscle and Fitness Hers 12-week Trainer program. Unfortch, i'm not impressed with it at all. I'm on day 15 of it, and although I LIKE it, i don't feel like i'm getting much out of it at all. I do believe, that i'm going to go back to Asylum and the bain of my existence, Shaun T.

Eat Clean. Be Fit.

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