Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Things I'm teaching my daughters

Raising children to be aware of the food around them is tough these days. They're swarmed by junk food, fast food, and images of unhealthiness. Case in point: My oldest daughter has been begging to go to Burger King. Why? Because she wants the toy that's in their kids meal.

I've made a point to RARELY take my kids to fast food joints. Why? Because the healthy food choices are limited. So many people say, "But we HAVE to--we have no TIME to eat at home." Listen, I work full time, and the chicks are involved in something every day of the week--we MAKE time. When parents say that, I hear, "I don't have time for my child's health." Hey, I'm not saying i'm perfect. My kids have eaten a McDonald's chicken nugget before. But to be 100% honest with you, I can say we've been to McDonald's (or any other fast-food place) LESS than 5 times this year. Next time your kid wants you to take them to McDonald's, how 'bout you hand them a can of Crisco. Maybe a bottle of vegetable oil. Same difference.

In our home, we always have a stash of kid-friendly snacks: cereal bars, low-fat granola bars, nilla wafers, to name a few. Yep, i know we're looking at enriched flour products, but those options are a LOT better than french fries and chicken(?) nuggets--both deep fried. We also always have an assortment of fruit.

I'm NOT a health "nut," but I AM a health addict. I choose to be healthy both for myself, and my children. I want to set a good example for them. I don't always know if I'm doing it right, but there are little things that lead me to believe i'm doing a pretty good job:

  • Clairey's homework was to discuss, with me, a book her teacher read in class. "What DIDN'T you like about the book?" I asked. "That the mommy was on a diet," she said. "Diet's aren't good for you--she should just eat healthy food and make good choices."
  • Jenna had a friend spend the night last week, and as they were snacking, I was drinking a Shakeology. "What's that?" Jenna's friend asked. Jenna looked at her and said, "That's a Shakeology drink. It's 'the healthiest meal of the day'! That one drink has so many good things in it, it's like going to the salad bar FIVE times! It's good stuff."
Yep. Being healthy is GOOD STUFF. So do it. Do it for you. Do it for your kids.

1 comment:

  1. Great post, I'm with you on the kids and fast food. Thankfully Jacob doesn't ask for it often. And at the grocery store he's more apt to ask for a trip through the salad bar than a cookie or donut -- costs a lot more, but who am I to refuse the kid a salad?? Lol!
