Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Genetics--That's not why you're overweight

As a personal trainer, I hear more often than not, "I just have bad genetics." Whenever I hear that, I'd like to respond with, "No, you just have a bad attitude." Let's set something straight here: Genetics don't make you fat. PERIOD.

Genetics give you the body type you have, your shape, and yes, even a predisposition to WHERE your fat will lie on your body. For instance, when i gain weight, the first place it goes is my butt/hips. That's genetics (and scientifically, it's part of being female). Some women gain it in their belly first; some women, in their boobs. HOWEVER, one more time: GENETICS DON'T MAKE YOU FAT.

So, what does make you fat? Here's a list:
  • Your lifestyle
  • The food you put in your mouth
  • Excuses
By 'lifestyle,' I mean what you do on a daily basis. Are you sedentary? Are you active? I sit at a computer ALL. DARN. DAY. (As does most of the working population.) But I make it a point to get up and move at least every 30 minutes. I have a nifty little device called a 'Jawbone' which has an alarm on it. If i'm sedentary for more than 30 minutes, it buzzes on my wrist--reminding me to get up and move. I'll usually get up and do squats. (Always gotta work those glutes!) If you need a reminder, then set your Outlook to ding a few times a day! Heck, get up and walk to the water machine and get a cup of water--do SOMETHING to get moving.

The food you put in your mouth: The easiest thing to change, yet people have the hardest time with this. Eat clean. Eat clean. Eat clean. And one more time: EAT CLEAN. That means no: white flour, enriched flour, white sugar. Remove those few things from your diet, and you're pretty much golden. AND i promise you--you'll see a difference in your body within a week. No, not some kind of crazy, magical, weight-loss promise--A REAL PROMISE. Take care of your body by feeding it right, and your body will thank you by reducing bloat and functioning on a higher level. You'll feel better, sleep better, and look better!

Excuses: I have heard them all. They range from the usual, "I just don't have the time" to the lamest of all, "I'm just too tired to exercise or eat right." WHAT??? You're kidding me, right? With 2 kids, a full-time job, homeschooling (thank God we're out for summer), competitive gymnastics, theatre, piano, Girl Scouts, etc., I have an entire reel of excuses I could use. But I don't. You know why? BECAUSE THEY'RE EXCUSES. Quit making them. You shouldn't have a flippin' excuse for not treating yourself right. It's just as easy to walk around the block than it is to sit your butt on the couch and watch tv. And guess what? If you're tired before you walk around the block, you're going to be tired when you sit down to watch tv, too. Choose the better option. Don't sit there and tell yourself you're too tired to eat something healthy because 'McDonald's is faster,' or 'a frozen pizza is easier.' You're kidding, right? Believe me, I have days when I can't cook; honestly, most days. But we always have healthy options! Our favorite: Amy's Organic Burritos. Clean and tasty. Kashi Organic pizzas--yum. Oatmeal--i'm surprised we're not pooping straight oats. Snacks: mini carrots, fruit, greek yogurt...the list goes on. It's NOT HARD. Don't be a lazy eater.

Do you want it? Do you WANT to be healthier?? Than you've got to make changes. YOU'VE got to commit to change. Don't fall into unhealthy habits, and break the unhealthy habits you DO have. You can do it.

I did it. :)
