Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Day 8, Asylum--Back to Core

Again, this workout hurts muscles that you didn't know you had. Shaun T's all, "Okay, now hold it up your arms and pulse it..." then YOU start going, "Ow, Ow, OW!!! What the hell is THAT muscle???" and it hurts. Then it hurts some more. But i can feel these weird back muscles that I know are going to make my back look kick butt. Shaun T also keeps saying, "Pretend you're squeezing a pencil in there..." (between your shoulder blades.) Okay, i'll do that. And once my back gets cut enough, i'll actually just store the girls' pencils in there since they always lose them anyways.

"Mommy, do you have a pencil?"
"Why, yes, yes I do--right here between my shoulder blades."

See? That would just work out well for EVERYONE.

Vertical plyo tomorrow. I'm already scared.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

See the change

“The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers.” – Unknown

Read that. No, really READ it. Now think about yourself. Now read it again. Does that apply to you?

The first time I read that quote, I just skimmed it. Then something made me read it again. So I did...slowly and surely. Then I thought about myself and looked at it again. That quote holds so much truth, doesn't it? I mean, i'm not trying to force you to apply it to yourself, but heck, it certainly applies to me.

My fitness journey, and this is what it IS...a JOURNEY--because there's no end--started with my discomfort. My sudden realization that not only did I THINK I was out of shape, but that I really and truly was. Know what I mean? For a long while there, I thought, "Eh, i'm heavier/wearing a larger size than normal, but i'm not really out of shape." "I keep getting a cough/cold, but it's not because i'm unhealthy--it's just allergies." Really? How many of us deceive ourselves like that?

If you're anything like me, I just put it on the backburner. I'd tell myself, "Oh, I just have big thighs because I've ALWAYS had big thighs--they're just more muscular than most," or "I just have a bubble butt--that's how it is. It's been there since birth." Or, i'd make a million other random excuses: "I don't have time." "I'm a mom now--when am i going to work out?" So, the day came when I finally realized that what I was thinking--that i was unhealthy--was the truth. Oh my. And that would be the final line of the quote, "For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers."

So, I decided to jump out of that damn rut. Sometimes, you just gotta hit rockbottom, ladies and gents, before you make a change. I was propelled by my discomfort. And honestly, I am still driven by the memory of that discomfort every day. I don't want to go back to that unhealthy part of my life. I don't want to, and you can't make me. I'm not going to do it. I replaced excuses with action. And you know what? It wasn't NEARLY as difficult as I thought it would be! OWN the change you want to see in yourself. I am so much happier. I feel like i have more control. I just feel...GOOD. You can, too. :)

Step out of your rut. I'll even hold your hand if you need help. Come on.

Asylum, Day 7--Strength

WOO. HOO. Increased my weights today (which explains why i have to keep backspacing to correct typos--heavy weights kill my wrists, which, in turn, leave me unable to type) to 20s, 15s, and 10s. Last week, I used 15s, 10s, and 8s. Dug deeper today--and really, and I mean REALLY, pushed it hard. Really concentrated on my core, and i could feel a difference in the work it was doing.

Sitting here, lamenting over my hurty wrists, drinking a chocolate Shakeology--not too shabby. Feeling good!

p.s. I still think Shaun T is trying to kill me.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Asylum, Day 6

I CRUSHED IT TODAY. Oh yeah, if 'crushed' means nearly crying like a baby, grunting like I was porcine, and sweating like a horse in a glue factory. So, if we share the same definition, then YES, I crushed Day 6.

But seriously, I saw improvements. Improvements in just 6 workouts! Either that, or i've just become ridiculously incapable of gauging my fitness level. Well, it could be. Who knows. I ate mashed potatoes yesterday. Mashed potatoes with BACON in them. I'm not positive, but i'm sure they affected my brain somehow. They were delicious. But so was today's workout! Deliciously AWESOME!

Don't get me wrong--still tougher than cheap beef jerky, but such a great workout!! I am becoming lithe and nimble. (Actually, probably not, but go with it, people.)

Yay me!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Asylum Day 4--Vertical Plyo=horizontal death

Holy crap. (Honestly, i think all my Asylum posts start with something like that, right?) Vertical Plyo is the hardest and craziest workout i've ever done. It's a lot more of Shaun T just making up crazy shit. Pushup jacks with resistance bands on your arms and legs, TONS of jumproping, and a whole heckofalotta jumping over that damn ladder. My FOREARMS are sweating. My WRISTS are sweating. That's just gross. I think the tops of my hands are sweating, too...yes, yes they are.

I felt like a totally uncoordinated twit doing this workout. I busted my butt, but i feel like I spent a lot of time looking at the tv with a look of pure confusion on my face and asking, "Whaaaa?" Some of the moves, he'd be yelling, "Come on! You can do this!" but he was too late, because i was already in a horizontal position, in a pool of sweat, crying, near death.

I think Shaun T is trying to kill me. If he asks, don't tell him where I live.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Asylum Day 3--What the hell is THAT??

This workout left me asking, "WTH?" the majority of the time. Shaun T just makes crap up--i'm quite convinced of it. I mean, no one in their right mind, would try to do this kind of stuff to their body. I've never been working out and thought, "Hmmm..think i'll do a reverse plank, then pulse up my legs--alternately." Really? A REVERSE plank? Then you want me to lift one of my legs off the ground? I did it, but graceful, I am not.

He also does all these moves that start out not hurting, then end up killing you by the end. The pain sneaks up on you. And the pain is in these random spots that have never hurt before. Then he continuously tells you, "It doesn't start working 'til it starts hurting." I'd like to punch him in the face. I hope he's right, because after I finish the exercise, it's STILL hurting. Dammit. It better be working.

As much as I bitch about this program, I love it. It's hard. It's challenging. I have to push myself. EXTREMELY HARD.

I'm going to be paying for this tomorrow...

Day 2--Strength--repeat

So, I started Asylum over. I got to Day 2, two weeks ago, then a whole bunch of family crap happened. Long story short, I ended up taking a "rest week" last week. When I started back at Asylum on Monday, I was better and stronger than ever--'rest week', eh? Who knew that it would've done me good?!

So, Strength, Day 2, repeat:
HOLY TACOTRUCK, people. I don't know if i just wussed out on this last week, or what, but this time, Day 2 kicked me right in the butt and left a footprint. I used 15s this time (i used 10s last week), and honestly, I could have used 20s, but i have this inate fear of dropping weights on my head. Particularly during moves such as halos, and skull crushers. Another thing is, they're really hard to handle. I mean, the, Shaun T. I mean....has us holding them by the weight, rather than the grip (does that make sense)? and i feel like my hand doesn't have a good enough hold on it. I need to get some gloves.

Anywho...I was totally ripped up yesterday. Shaun T KILLED me. And everytime I thought, "I just can't do anymore," he'd come through, loud and clear saying, "You CAN do this!" I don't know if he actually knows at which point people are going to die or what, but he always says the right thing at the right time.

I finished strong, and sweaty, and proud of myself.

Today, my hands hurt from holding weights.

Can't wait for today's workout!!!